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With Opensolr, you can now use the Automation REST API, in order to find anomalies and audit your Solr requests, in many fun ways.
Here are some example API requests that you can make to get all requests in a csv format, JSON format for all requests, etc (you can use the start and rows parameter to paginate the requests, and grab all data through multiple requests, programmatically):
Last 200 requests from 1 day ago as json (might take a while to load):
curl -gs "[]=date:[NOW-1DAY%20TO%20NOW]&wt=json"
IP and Path facets on all requests since 1 Month ago:
curl -gs "[]=date:[NOW-1MONTH%20TO%20NOW]&wt=json&facet=true&facet.field[]=path&facet.field[]=ip"
Popular search queries Today:
curl -gs "[]=date:[NOW-1DAY%20TO%20NOW]&wt=json&facet=true&facet.field[]=q"
Today's http status code for all requests:
curl -gs "[]=date:[NOW-1DAY%20TO%20NOW]&wt=json&facet=true&facet.field[]=http_status"
Today's requests that have failed with 4xx error codes:
Get 20 requests per page:
curl -gs "[]=date:[NOW-1DAY%20TO%20NOW]&fq[]=+http_status:4*&wt=json"
Get all requests as csv (may take a long time to load):
curl -gs "[]=date:[NOW-1DAY%20TO%20NOW]&fq[]=+http_status:4*&wt=json"
Example: api_key=PLEASE_LOG_IN&core_name=my_solr_core
You can use this method, to get your request log, in a SOLR JSON format.
You can add almost every solr-supported parameter to your GET request, as GET parameters, as explained in the example below, where we get the first 10 request log entries for the index named opensolr between dates: Jan. 01 2023 to May 01 2023, where the requests returned an error http_status (-fq=http_status:200) sorted by date descending.
Example request:[]=date:[2023-01-01T00:00:00Z%20TO%202023-05-31T00:00:00Z]&facet=true&facet.field[]=core_name&fq[]=+http_status:""&fq[]=-http_status:200